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Legend: A = accepted; S = submitted.

Over 349 submitted proposals with a total of 110 accepted observing programs:


2024       ALMA: "Resolving the Sphere of Influence of the SMBH in Cen A" (co-I; S; 9 hrs).
2024       ALMA: "SZ View of Thermodynamic Properties of Massive Clusters" (co-I; S; 46 hrs).

2024       ALMA: "The Complex Feeding-Feedback Cycle of A2495" (co-I; S; 9.5 hrs).
2024       ALMA: "Two CCCs with Vastly Different Feedback Energy" (co-I; S; 9.2 hrs).
2024       ALMA: "Unveiling NGC 7479 Torus Innermost Structure (pt. 3)" (co-I; S; 27 hrs).
2024       ALMA: "SUBWAYS: Molecular Gas from Nuclear to Galactic Scales" (co-I; S; 27 hrs).

2024       ALMA: "Bridging Theory and Observations of AGN Feeding and Feedback" (co-I; S; 7 hrs).

2024       XRISM: "Can XRISM Resolve the Mystery of Cool Core Evolution?" (co-I; S; 600 ks).

2024       XRISM: "Motions in A2142 at High Spectral Resolution" (co-I; S; 100 ks).
2024       XRISM: "What is Driving the AGN Outflows in HE0412?" (co-I; S; 200 ks).
2024       XRISM: "Probing the Limits of ICM Turbulence in Phoenix Cluster" (co-I; S; 300 ks).

2024       XRISM: "Linking Shocks, Turbulence, and CRs in a Late-Stage Merger" (co-I; S; 300 ks).

2024       XRISM: "The Origin and Evolution of the Iron-Line in Mrk 1018" (co-I; S; 300 ks).
2024       XRISM: "Dissecting the Physics of AGN Feedback in Hydra A" (co-I; S; 200 ks).
2024       Gemini: "Halpha Emission in the X-ray Tail of M49" (co-I; S; 5 hrs).
2024       HST: "Mapping OVI in the Cores of the Most Extreme Cooling Flows" (co-I; S; 24 orb.).

2024       HST: "AGN Feedback Diagnostics with First UV Atlas of Obscured Quasars" (co-I; S; 1 orb.).

2024       HST: "Imaging the Quasar-Dominated BCG in H1821+643" (co-I; S; 12 orb.).
2024       MUSE: "Optical Emission-Line Nebulae in X-ray CCs of Galaxy Groups" (co-I; S; 16 hrs).

2024       MUSE: "Mini Cool Cores! Mini Emission-Line Nebulae?" (co-I; S; 4 hrs).
2024       MUSE: "Energetics and Structure of Inflows/Outflows in Nearby QSOs" (co-I; S; 148 hrs).

2024       MUSE: "Probing the Halo Assembly around Massive Black Holes" (co-I; S; 10 hrs).
2024       MUSE: "Unraveling the Nature of Multiphase Gas in Fornax A" (co-I; S; 3.3 hrs).
2024       X-Shooter: "Uncovering Warm Gas-Phase Metallicity in Central Galaxies" (co-I; S; 22 hrs).

2024       Chandra: "Modeling Entrained Ultra-Fast Outflows with HD Simulations" (co-I; S; archival).

2024       Chandra: "Diffuse Emission & AGN Enhancement in Active Protoclusters" (co-I; S; 930 ks).

2024       Chandra+NuSTAR: "Joint Monitoring of a Changing-Look AGN" (co-I; S; 90+75 ks).

2024       Chandra: "Spatially Resolved Spectroscopic Cooling Upper Limits" (co-I; S; archival).

2024       Chandra+HST : "Runaway Cooling in the Absence of Feedback?" (co-I; S; 111 ks+2 orb.).

2024       Chandra: "Tracing Jet-Driven Feedback and Feeding in Hercules A" (co-I; S; 635 ks).

2024       Chandra+XMM: "Shocks, Turbulence, and CRs in a Rare Merger" (co-I; S; 160+100ks).

2024       Chandra: "Ultrafast Outflows and their Interaction with the ISM" (co-I; S; 120 ks).
2024       Chandra: "Formation of Multiphase Gas in CCCs and Jellyfish Galaxies" (co-I; S; archival).

2024       Chandra: "A Hot Shell Bounding a Multiphase Outflow in a Nearby Galaxy" (co-I; S; 200 ks).

2024       Chandra: "Confirmation of a Runaway SMBH Identified by Shocks and SF" (co-I; S; 300 ks).

2024       NIKA-2: "Probing Non-Thermal ICM Physics via Deep SZ Fluctuations" (co-I; S; 29 hrs).

2024       NuSTAR: "X-ray Coronae and Winds in Quasars at Cosmic Noon" (co-I; A; 750 ks).
2024       NuSTAR+XMM: "A Golden Sample of Heavily Obscured AGN" (co-I; 75+30 ks).
2023       TNG: "Variability of a Candidate Optical/X-ray Mismatched Quasar" (co-I; A; 1.1 hrs).

2023       JWST: "Characterizing Condensation in 3C 273 Using Coronagraphy" (co-I; 22 hrs).

2023       JWST: "A Comprehensive Picture of BH Winds during Reionization" (co-I; 28 hrs).

2023       JWST: "Probing the SMBH Sphere of Influence in X-ray Cooling Cores" (co-I; 6.5 hrs).

2023       JWST: "A Search for Obscured AGN in Dwarf Starburst Galaxies" (co-I; 9.5 hrs).

2023       Magellan: "Link Between Cluster Potentials and Ionized Gas Kinematics" (co-I; A; 10 hrs).

2023       XMM: "A Tail of Two Galaxies in MKW 08" (co-I; 124 ks).

2023       XMM+NuSTAR+SWIFT+JWST: "Outflows in APM 08279" (co-I; 351+200+50 ks + 4 hrs).

2023       XMM: "Multiphase Powerful Outflows in High-z Quasars" (co-I; 490 ks).
2023       XMM: "Monitoring of a Rare CL Compton-Thick AGN" (co-I; 114 ks).
2023       XMM: "A Deep View of the Ionized Absorbers in PG 1114+445" (co-I; A; 104 ks).
2023       XMM: "A Deep Survey of CARLA Proto-Clusters at 1.4 < z < 2.8" (co-I; A; 356 ks).

2023       XMM: "The Strange Case of Quasar SDSS J133127 at z = 0.8" (co-I; 53 ks).
2023       UVES: "High-Velocity Outflows from Luminous Quasars at Cosmic Noon" (co-I; 33 hrs).

2023       MUSE: "Mini Cool Cores! Mini Emission-Line Nebulae?" (co-I; 4 hrs).
2023       MUSE: "Optical Emission-Line Nebulae in X-ray Cool Cores of Galaxy Groups" (co-I; 16 hrs). 

2023       HST: "A New Test for the Cooling Flow Model" (co-I; 40 orb.).

2023       HST: "AGN Feedback Diagnostics with First UV Atlas of Obscured Quasars" (co-I; 1 orb.).

2023       HST: "Imaging the Quasar-Dominated BCG in H1821+643" (co-I; 12 orb.).
2023       LBT: "Variability of UFOs in Luminous Quasars at Cosmic Noon" (co-I; A; 24 hrs).

2023       ALMA: "SUBWAYS: Unraveling Feedback from Nuclear to Galactic Scales" (co-I; 27 hrs).

2023       ALMA: "SZ View of Thermodynamical Properties of Distant Clusters" (co-I; A; 46 hrs).

2023       ALMA: "The Origin of Cold Gas in Low Excitation Radio Galaxies" (co-I; 9 hrs).
2023       ALMA: "Revealing the Cold Molecular Gas of a Cooling Flow Cluster" (co-I; 22 hrs).

2023       ALMA: "Unveiling NGC 7479 Torus Innermost Structure (pt. 2)" (co-I; 3 hrs).
2023       ALMA: "The Complex Feeding-Feedback Cycle of A2495" (co-I; A; 9.5 hrs).

2023       ALMA: "A Parallel Study of Two Cool-Core Clusters" (co-I; 9.2 hrs).
2023       MeerKAT: "AGN HI Feeding & Feedback Investigation Close-by" (co-I; 200 hrs).
2023       MeerKAT: "Exploring the Galaxy-Halo Connection at Cosmic Noon" (co-I; A; 117 hrs).

2023       Gemini: "Hα Filaments in Planck-Selected Clusters" (co-I; 7 hrs).
2023       MUSE: "The Ionized Gas Dynamics in Low-Mass Galaxy Clusters" (co-I; A; 5 hrs).
2023       MUSE: "Nebular Gas around Dominant Galaxies of Low-Richness Groups" (co-I; A; 6 hrs).

2023       MUSE: "Energetics and Structure of Inflows/Outflows in Nearby QSOs" (co-I; 174 hrs).

2023       MUSE: "Precipitation Conditions in X-ray Cool Cores" (co-I; 16 hrs).
2023       MUSE: "Mini Cool Cores! Mini Emission-Line Nebulae?" (co-I; 4 hrs).
2023       MUSE: "Unveiling Dark Matter in the Rare Merger SPT J2031-4037" (co-I; 5 hrs).
2023       Chandra: "The Largest AGN-Driven Cocoon Shock in Abell 3017?" (co-I; A; 168 ks).

2023       Chandra+HST: "Catching Mrk 1018 Multiwavelength Outburst" (co-I; 60 ks + 3 orb.).

2023       Chandra: "A Hot Shell Bounding a Multiphase Outflow in a Nearby Galaxy" (co-I; 200 ks).

2023       Chandra: "Revisiting the Enrichment in the Core of the Perseus Cluster" (co-I; A; archival).

2023       Chandra: "Ultrafast Outflows and their Interaction with the ISM" (co-I; A; 125 ks).
2023       Chandra+XMM: "Shocks, Turbulence & CR Acceleration in Mergers" (co-I; 125+100 ks).

2023       Chandra: "Spatially Resolved Spectroscopic Cooling Upper Limits" (co-I; archival).
2023       Chandra: "Formation of Multiphase Filaments in Cooling Flow Systems" (co-I; archival).

2023       Chandra: "Testing Jet-Driven Feedback in Hercules A" (co-I; 300 ks).
2023       Chandra: "Diffuse Emission & AGN Enhancement in Active Protoclusters" (co-I; 780 ks).

2023       Chandra: "Testing Hot-Cold Gas in Radio Galaxies in Poor Environments" (co-I; 270 ks).

2023       Chandra+NuSTAR: "Joint Monitoring of a Changing-Look AGN" (co-I; 90+75 ks).

2023       JWST: "A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Multiphase Gas Pumped by a BH" (co-I; A; 8 hrs).

2023       JWST: "Characterizing Condensation in 3C 273 Using Coronagraphy" (co-I; 16 hrs).

2023       JWST: "In Search of Hidden Supernovae in Starburst galaxies" (co-I; 25 hrs).
2023       JWST: "Observing Galaxies with BH Winds during Reionization" (co-I; 28 hrs).
2023       NuSTAR: "Confirming X-Ray Detection of Inverse Compton in a Group" (co-I; A; 375 ks).

2023       NuSTAR+XMM: "Dissecting the Torus of Heavily Obscured AGN" (co-I; 75+30 ks).

2022       XMM+NuSTAR: "Probing Variable UFO in APM 08279+5255" (co-I; 140+100 ks).

2022       XMM+HST: "Observations of the Changing-Look AGN Mrk 1018" (co-I; 100 ks + 6 orb.).

2022       XMM: "Multiphase Powerful Outflows in High-z Quasars" (co-I; 429 ks).
2022       XMM: "Monitoring of a Rare CL Compton-Thick AGN" (co-I; 114 ks).
2022       XMM: "A Deep View of the Ionized Absorbers in PG 1114+445" (co-I; A; 103 ks).
2022       XMM: "The strange case of quasar SDSS J133127 at z = 0.8" (co-I; 53 ks).
2022       XMM: "A Deep Survey of CARLA Proto-Clusters at 1.4 < z < 2.8" (co-I; A; 300 ks).

2022       IRAM: "Search for Molecular Absorption in Massive Galaxies" (co-I; A; 22 hrs).
2022       JVLA: "Radio Emission and Winds Feedback in SUBWAYS (pt. 2)" (co-I; A; 12.3 hrs).

2022       GMRT: "Constraining Cold Accretion onto MBHs (pt. 2)" (co-I; A; 63 hrs).
2022       LBT: "Monitoring of UV UFOs in Luminous Quasars at Cosmic Noon" (co-I; A; 12 hrs).

2022       Gemini: "Halpha Filaments in Planck-Selected Clusters" (co-I; 7 hrs).
2022       Gemini: "Multiphase View on AGN Feedback in CARS" (co-I; 16.2 hrs).
2022       ALMA: "Multiscale Observation of Perseus Filaments" (co-I; A; 10 hrs).
2022       ALMA: "The Role of Molecular Gas in the AGN Feeding-Feedback Cycle" (co-I; 19 hrs).

2022       ALMA: "Jet Feedback and Molecular Gas Entrainment in Hercules A" (co-I; 5 hrs).
2022       ALMA: "Unveiling NGC 7479 Torus Innermost Structure with ALMA" (co-I; A; 24 hrs).

2022       ALMA: "Unveiling the Jet-Outflow Connection in Radio-Quiet AGN" (co-I; 7.5 hrs).
2022       ALMA: "The Origin of Cold Gas in Low Excitation Radio Galaxies" (co-I; 28 hrs).
2022       ALMA: "An Absorption Line Survey of Molecular gas in Massive Galaxies" (co-I; 24 hrs).

2022       ALMA: "Is SF in one of the Most Massive Cluster Fueled by a CF?" (co-I; A; 15 hrs).

2022       ALMA: "An Absorption Line Survey of Molecular gas in Hydra-A" (co-I; 17 hrs).
2022       ALMA: "SUBWAYS: Molecular Gas as Evidence of AGN Feedback" (co-I; 40 hrs).
2022       ALMA+ACA: "SZ View of Thermodynamical Properties of Distant Clusters" (co-I; 82 hrs).

2022       HST: "Constraining Star Formation with the Deepest HST Images of M87" (co-I; A; archival).

2022       HST: "The First Images of the Quasar-Dominated BCG in H1821+643" (co-I; 12 orb.).

2022       VLT: "Monitoring of UV UFOs in Luminous Quasars at Cosmic Noon" (co-I; A; 21 hrs).

2022       MUSE: "The Optical Line Emitting Gas in Low-Richness Groups" (co-I; A; 20 hrs).

2022       MUSE: "The Ionized Gas Dynamics across the Entire AGN Feedback Cycle" (co-I; 8 hrs).

2022       MUSE: "Precipitation Conditions in X-ray Cool Cores" (co-I; 14 hrs).
2022       MUSE: "Mini Cool Cores! Mini Emission-Line Nebulae?" (co-I; 4 hrs).
2022       MUSE: "Exploring the Jet-ISM Interaction in the Heart of Radio-Quiet AGN" (co-I; 3 hrs).

2022       Chandra+HST: "Catching the Changing-Look AGN Mrk 1018 (III)" (co-I; A; 70 ks; 3 orb.).

2022       Chandra+NuSTAR: "Joint Monitoring of a Changing-Look AGN" (co-I; 90+75 ks).

2022       Chandra: "Probing AGN Winds in the Brightest Non-Lensed QSO" (co-I; A; 150 ks).

2022       Chandra: "The Largest AGN-Driven Cocoon Shock in Abell 3017?" (co-I; 159 ks).

2022       Chandra: "Exploring the Dual AGN Candidate Mrk 1503" (co-I; 50 ks).
2022       Chandra: "A SMBH Binary in a Changing Look Quasar" (co-I; A; 200 ks).

2022       Chandra: "Is AGN Feedback Operating in a NCC Cluster with Nebular Gas?" (co-I; 101 ks).

2022       Chandra: "Shocks and Edges in the Intra-Cluster Medium of A1550" (co-I; 100 ks).
2022       Chandra: "Testing Hot-Cold Gas in Radio Galaxies in Poor Environments" (co-I; 240 ks).

2022       Chandra: "An Ultrafast Outflow Near the Peak of AGN Activity" (co-I; A; 135 ks).

2022       Chandra: "A Hot Shell Bounding a Multiphase Outflow in a Nearby Galaxy" (co-I; 200 ks).

2022       Chandra: "Diffuse Emission & AGN Enhancement in Active Protoclusters" (co-I; 733 ks).

2022       NuSTAR+XMM: "Monitoring Changing-Look Compton-Thick AGN" (co-I; 75+30 ks).

2022       GMRT: "Constraining Cold Accretion onto MBHs (pt. 2)" (co-I; 150 hrs).

2022       GMRT: "A Candidate Relic in PSZ2 G282.28+49.94, the Planck Bullet" (co-I; A; 18 hrs).

2021       NICER: "Follow-Up of the Changing-Look AGN Mrk 1018" (co-I; A; 120 ks).

2021       ACA: "Unveiling the Most Distant and Massive ICM Selected Clusters" (co-I; A; 74 hrs).

2021       XMM: "Probing Fast X-Ray Winds in Non-Lensed QSO at z > 3" (co-I; 180 ks).
2021       XMM: "Multiphase Powerful Outflows in High-z Quasars" (co-I; 429 ks).
2021       XMM+NuSTAR: "Probing Variable UFO in APM 08279+5255" (co-I; 520+200 ks).

2021       XMM: "XMM Monitoring of an X-ray Variable z = 6 QSO" (co-I; 240 ks).
2021       XMM+VLT: "Observations of the Changing-Look AGN Mrk 1018" (co-I; 30 ks + 3 hrs).

2021       XMM: "A Deep View of the Ionized Absorbers in PG 1114+445" (co-I; 103 ks).
2021       XMM: "The Young Phoenix: Incipient Cooling and Feedback in A2667" (co-I; A; 250 ks).

2021       XMM: "A Tail of Two Galaxies" (co-I; 130 ks).
2021       MUSE: "The MUSE view of SUBWAYS: from the Central Engine to CGM" (co-I; 15 hrs).

2021       MUSE: "Precipitation Conditions in X-ray Cool Cores" (co-I; 15 hrs).
2021       MUSE: "Mini Cool Cores! Mini Emission-Line Nebulae?" (co-I; 4 hrs).
2021       MUSE: "Jet-Driven Feedback in the Heart of a Radio-Quiet AGN" (co-I; 3 hrs).
2021       GMRT: "Constraining Cold Accretion onto the Most Massive Black Holes" (co-I; A; 187 hrs).

2021       ALMA: "SUBWAYS: the Golden Sample for AGN Winds" (co-I; 33 hrs).
2021       ALMA: "ALMA-MUSE Cold Gas Atlas of Cluster Cores" (co-I; 62 hrs).
2021       ALMA: "CAP - Cold Accretion in Perseus" (co-I; A; 22 hrs).
2021       ALMA: "Tracking Variability in the Molecular Absorption Lines of NGC 5044" (co-I; 3 hrs).

2021       ALMA: "Constraining Cold Accretion onto the Most Massive Black Holes" (co-I; A; 17 hrs).

2021       ALMA: "A Molecular Absorption Line Survey toward the AGN of Hydra-A" (co-I; 16 hrs).

2021       HST: "Revealing the Role of Galaxy Interactions in Fueling Quasars at z ∼ 1" (co-I; 23 orb.).

2021       HST: "The First Spatially Resolved UV Spectra of a Jet-Driven AGN Outflow" (co-I; A; 4 orb.).

2021       HST: "Constraining Star Formation with the Deepest HST Images of M87" (co-I; archival).

2021       Gemini: "Multiphase View on AGN Feedback in CARS" (co-I; A; 19.2 hrs).
2021       Chandra: "CHIPS1911+4455: a Cooling Flow in a Merging Cluster" (co-I; A; 428 ks).

2021       Chandra: "Probing Fast X-ray Winds in the z>3 Brightest Non-Lensed QSO" (co-I; 186 ks).

2021       Chandra: "Testing Condensation Models in Clusters with Nebular Emission" (co-I; 230 ks).

2021       Chandra: "A Hot Shell Bounding a Young Multiphase Jet-Driven Outflow" (co-I; 300 ks).

2021       Chandra: "A SMBH Binary in a Changing Look Quasar" (co-I; 300 ks).
2021       Chandra: "The Hot-Cold Gas Connection in Poor Radio Galaxies" (co-I; 180 ks).

2021       Chandra+HST: "Catching the Changing-Look AGN Mrk 1018 (II)" (co-I; A; 50 ks; 3 orb.).

2021       Chandra: "A Tail of Two Galaxies: the Case of MKW8" (co-I; A; 300 ks).
2021       Chandra+NuSTAR: "Monitoring a Candidate Changing-Look CT AGN" (co-I; 90+75 ks).

2021       Chandra: "A Missing Evolutionary Phase in the Feedback Cycle of A2667" (co-I; 90 ks).

2021       Chandra: "Defining the X-ray Properties of the Most Luminous Quasars" (co-I; A; 221 ks).

2021       Chandra: "The Largest AGN-Driven Cocoon Shock in Abell 3017?" (co-I; 159 ks).

2021       Chandra: "Probing Strong Radio AGN at the Center of Nearby Groups" (co-I; A; 136 ks).

2021       MUSTANG-2: "Characterizing the ICM Embedded in a Supercluster" (co-I; 25 hrs).

2021       JVLA: "Radio Emission and Winds Feedback in the SUBWAYS Sample" (co-I; A; 15 hrs).

2021       NuSTAR: "A Tail of Two Galaxies" (co-I; A; 130 ks).

2021       NuSTAR: "XMM Monitoring of an X-ray Variable z=6 QSO" (co-I; A; 240 ks).
2021       SWIFT: "A Deep View of the Ionized Absorbers in PG 1114+445" (co-I; A; 100 ks).
2020       XMM: "A Tail of Two Galaxies" (co-I; 133 ks).
2020       XMM: "Probing Extreme X-ray winds in a Non-Lensed QSO" (co-I; 189 ks).
2020       XMM: "Magnified Views of Relativistic Outflows in High-z BAL QSOs" (co-I; A; 215 ks).

2020       XMM: "Metals in Galaxy Groups: the Case of the Outskirts of NGC 5044" (co-I; A; 124 ks).

2020       XMM: "Physics and Energetics of the UFO in IRAS F11119+3257" (co-I; A; 113 ks).

2020       XMM+NuSTAR: "Monitoring Changing-Look Compton-Thick AGN" (co-I; 25+25 ks).

2020       XMM: "Probing Strong Radio AGN at the Center of Nearby Groups" (co-I; A; 136 ks).

2020       XMM: "X-raying Giant Radio Galaxies" (co-I; 82 ks).
2020       XMM: "A 120,000 km s−1 UFO in the Recoiling Quasar 3C186?" (co-I; 168 ks).
2020       XMM: "The Young Phoenix: Incipient Cooling and Feedback in Abell 2667" (co-I; A; 250 ks). 2020       XMM: "Probing Gas Motions in Cluster Outskirts with X-ray and SZ Data" (co-I; 394 ks).

2020       SOFIA: "Probing the Black Hole Fueling/Feedback Processes" (co-I; 10.8 hrs).
2020       MUSE: "Precipitation Conditions in X-ray Cool Cores" (co-I; 15 hrs).
2020       MUSE: "Mini Cool Cores! Mini Emission-Line Nebulae?" (co-I; 4 hrs).
2020       MUSE: "Connecting Inflows and Outflows on 100 pc scales in QSOs" (co-I; 161 hrs).
2020       MUSE: "Unveiling Dark Matter in the Rare Merger SPT J2031-4037" (co-I; 5 hrs).
2020       Chandra: "A Spectacular 40 kpc BCG Tail in the NCC Cluster MKW 08" (co-I; 400 ks).

2020       Chandra: "Probing Massive X-ray Winds in a Non-Lensed QSO" (co-I; 150 ks).
2020       Chandra+HST: "Catching the Changing-Look AGN Mrk 1018 " (co-I; A; 50 ks; 3 orb.).
2020       Chandra+HST: "A Candidate Bullet in the Planck SZ Catalogue" (co-I; A; 146 ks; 5 orb.).
2020       Chandra: "Is the AGN Feeding-Feedback Cycle Broken in A2495 BCG?" (co-I; A; 130 ks).

2020       Chandra: "Probing Strong Radio AGN in Nearby Galaxy Groups" (co-I; 58 ks).
2020       Chandra: "The Largest AGN-Driven Cocoon Shock in Abell 3017?" (co-I; 158 ks).
2020       Chandra: "Probing the Young-Phoenix Hypothesis in Abell 2667" (co-I; 700 ks).
2020       Chandra: "A Hot Shell Bounding a Young Multiphase Jet-Driven Outflow" (co-I; 200 ks).

2020       Chandra: "The Strong Shock in the Merging Cluster SPT-CLJ2031-4037" (co-I; A; 220 ks).

2020       HST: "Multiphase Ultrafast Absorbers in the Spectra of PG 1114+445" (co-I; 6 orb.).

2020       HST: "Physical Diagnostics of AGN Feedback in a Jet-Driven AGN Outflow" (co-I; 9 orb.).

2020       HST: "Understanding the Origin of Outflows in Nearby Radio-Quiet AGN" (co-I; 5 orb.).

2020       HST: "Constraining Star Formation in the Deepest HST Images of M87" (co-I; 132 orb.).

2020       HST: "Hyperfine Spatial Resolution of Stellar Ages in Quasar Outflows" (co-I; A; 33 orb.).

2020       NuSTAR: "Pre-Merger Dynamics of A3395" (co-I; A; 132 ks).
2020       NuSTAR: "Building SUBWAYS: the NuSTAR line" (co-I; A; 630 ks).
2020       NuSTAR+XMM: "Witnessing the Blowout Phase in 2MASS 0918+2117" (co-I; A; 110 ks).

2020       NuSTAR: "Strong Shock in the Merging Cluster SPT CLJ2031-4037" (co-I; A; 230 ks).

2019       XMM: "Metals in Galaxy Groups: the Case of the Outskirts of NGC 5044" (co-I; 136 ks).

2019       XMM: "Probing Gas Motions in Cluster Outskirts with X-ray and SZ Data" (co-I; 469 ks).

2019       XMM: "A 40 kpc BCG Tail in the Relaxed NCC Galaxy Cluster MKW 08" (co-I; 136 ks).

2019       XMM: "Searching for Multiphase Ultra-Fast Absorbers in PG 1114+445" (co-I; 168 ks).

2019       XMM: "AGN Feedback Imprints in Two Remarkable Galaxy Groups" (co-I; A; 259 ks).

2019       XMM: "Probing Strong Radio AGN at the Centers of Nearby Galaxy Groups" (co-I; 136 ks). 2019       XMM: "A 120,000 km/s UFO in the Recoiling Quasar 3C186?" (co-I; A; 168 ks).
2019       XMM: "Multi-wavelength Study of Cooling and Feedback in A2667" (co-I; 450 ks).
2019       EVN: "Testing the Jet-Outflow Connection in the AGN HE0040-1105" (co-I; A; 7 hrs).

2019       ACA: "Shocks in the Rare Massive Merging Cluster SPT-CLJ2031-4037" (co-I; A; 84.9 hrs).

2019       X-Shooter: "Probing Feeding and Feedback in a Newly Born Radio AGN" (co-I; A; 6.5 hrs).

2019       MUSE: "Precipitation Conditions in X-ray Cool Cores" (co-I; 15 hrs).
2019       MUSE: "Mini Cool Cores! Mini Emission-Line Nebulae?" (co-I; 4 hrs).

2019       MUSE: "The MUSE View of SUBWAYS: from the Central Engine to CGM" (co-I; 21 hrs).

2019       IRAM: "A Molecular Gas (CO) Survey of the SUBWAYS AGN Sample" (co-I; A; 24.6 hrs).

2019       SOFIA: "The AGN Feedback Cycle in Massive Galaxies" (co-I; A; 11.7 hrs).
2019       SOFIA: "What Causes [CII] Line Excess in AGN Host Galaxies?" (co-I; A; 1.4 hrs).

2019       MUSTANG-2: "Precision Imaging of the Shocks in A2146 Using the SZE" (co-I; 16 hrs).

2019       JVLA: "High Dynamic-Range Survey of a Mass-Selected Cluster Sample" (co-I; 1302 hrs).

2019       JVLA: "Linking AGN Radio Emission and Winds Feedback in SUBWAYS" (co-I; A; 20 hrs).

2019      ALMA: "The SUBWAYS Sample: Connecting AGN to Galaxies" (co-I; 42.5 hrs).
2019      ALMA: "Cold Accretion in Silhouette in Hydra-A BCG" (co-I; 15.4 hrs).
2019      ALMA: "Constraining Cold Accretion onto the Most Massive BHs" (co-I; 32.6 hrs).

2019      ALMA: "Probing Molecular Clouds Raining onto a Young Radio AGN" (co-I; 6 hrs).

2019      ALMA: "Massive CO-Emitting Disks in Early-Type Galaxies" (co-I; 7 hrs).
2019      ALMA: "Molecular Gas and AGN Feedback in CC Halpha clusters" (co-I; 18.7 hrs).
2019      ALMA+ACA: "Shocks in the Rare Massive Merger SPT J2031-4037" (co-I; 20 hrs).

2019      HST: "SUBWAYS: Building the HST Line with FUV Spectroscopy" (co-I; A; 27 orb.).

2019      HST: "UV Diagnostics as Barometers for Galactic Scale AGN Outflows" (co-I; A; 19 orb.).

2019      HST: "Constraining Star Formation in the Deepest HST Images of M87" (co-I; 132 orb.).

2019      HST: "Hyperfine Spatial Resolution of Stellar Ages amid Quasar Gas Flows" (co-I; 33 orb.).

2019      Gemini: "Probing AGN Feedback on Multiple Gas Phases in CARS" (co-I; A; 11 hrs).
2019      MUSE: "Unveiling Dark Matter in the Rare Merger SPT J2031-4037" (co-I; 5 hrs).

2019      X-Shooter: "Multiphase Feeding & Raining Clouds in a Young Radio AGN" (co-I; 6 hrs).

2019      VLT: "Optical Monitoring of Variability in the Changing-Look AGN M1018" (co-I; A; 15.6 hrs).

2019      Chandra: "Is AGN Feeding-Feedback Cycle Broken in A2495 BCG?" (co-I; 212 ks).

2019      Chandra: "AGN Feeding and Feedback in the most Quenched CC Cluster" (co-I; A; 420 ks).

2019      Chandra: "A Complete Sample of Nearby Radio Luminous AGN" (co-I; 179 ks).
2019      Chandra: "The Largest AGN-Driven Cocoon Shock in A3017?" (co-I; 149 ks).

2019      Chandra: "A Survey of Expanding Superbubbles in Luminous AGN" (co-I; 450 ks).

2019      NuSTAR: "Building SUBWAYS: the NuSTAR line" (co-I; 588 ks).
2019      MUSTANG-2: "Deep GBT+M2 SZ Imaging in 2 Merging Clusters" (co-I; 110 hrs).

2019      Gemini: "CARS: AGN Feedback in HE1107-0813" (co-I; 5.5 hrs).

2018      XMM LP: "SUBWAYS -- Shedding X-ray Light on SMBH Winds" (co-I; A; 1.6 Ms).
2018      XMM: "Probing Gas Motions in Cluster Outskirts with X-ray+SZ PS" (co-I; 620 ks).

2018      XMM: "The iron problem in NGC 5044" (co-I; A; 124 ks).
2018      XMM: "Exploring CLJ1821+643 up to its Outskirts" (co-I; 130 ks).
2018      XMM+HST: "Linking Multiphase and Multiscale Outflows in PG1114+445" (co-I;120 ks).

2018      XMM: "AGN Feedback Imprints in Two Remarkable Galaxy Groups" (co-I; 250 ks).
2018      MUSE: "Ionized Gas Flows, Condensation and SF around Nearby QSOs" (co-I; A; 9 hrs).

2018      MUSE: "Resolving the Super-Eddington NLS1 nucleus of Mrk 1044 (cont.)" (co-I; A; 2 hrs).
2018      X-Shooter: "Probing the Multiphase Gas Fuelling PKSB 1718-649" (co-I; 6 hrs).

2018      SOFIA: "Star Formation Tracers in Luminous AGN Host Galaxies" (co-I; A; 3 hrs).
2018      SOFIA: "What Causes [CII] Line Excess in AGN Host Galaxies?" (co-I; A; 1.4 hrs).
2018      SOFIA: "The AGN Feedback Cycle in Massive Galaxies" (co-I; A; 10.5 hrs).

2018      SCUBA-2: "Tracing SF Suppression in AGN Host Galaxies from CARS" (co-I; A; 15 hrs).

2018      AAT: "The Role of Environment on AGN Host Galaxies Properties" (co-I; 3 nights).

2018      HST: "Multiphase Nature of Radio-Loud and Quiet AGN Feedback" (co-I; A; 39 orb.).
2018      HST: "Testing the Limits of AGN Feedback in Starburst and QSO BCGs" (co-I; A; 40 orb.).

2018      MUSTANG-2: "SZ Imaging of AGN X-ray Cavities in MS 0735.6+7421" (co-I; A; 32.5 hrs).
2018      MUSTANG-2: "SZ Power Spectral Fluctuations in 2 Deep Clusters" (co-I; 114.4 hrs).

2018      MUSTANG-2: "Triaxial Reconstruction of XMM-Heritage Galaxy Clusters" (co-I; 17 hrs).

2018      MUSE: "The Heart of the Super-Eddington Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Mrk 1044" (co-I; A; 2 hrs).

2018      ALMA: "Molecular Gas and AGN feedback in CC clusters with Halpha" (co-I; A; 12.3 hrs).

2018      ALMA: "Observation of CO(3-2) line: CO clouds and Hot Gas in Groups" (co-I; 5.8 hrs).

2018      ALMA: "The Interplay between Molecular Gas and a Young Radio AGN" (co-I; 11.4 hrs).

2018      ALMA: "Exploring the Properties of Very Deep Absorption in Hydra-A" (co-I; A; 18.6 hrs).

2018      ALMA: "Constraining Chaotic Cold Accretion onto SMBHs (continued)" (co-I; 16.0 hrs).

2018      Chandra: "Multiwavelength Study of Extreme Feedback Processes in A2667" (co-I; 60 ks).

2018      Chandra: "Unveiling the Hot Halo of Local BCGs with Chandra" (co-I; 74 ks).
2018      Chandra: "SPT-CLJ2031-4037: Probing Dark Matter and ICM Physics" (co-I; A; 36 ks).

2018      Chandra: "Investigating AGN Feedback in Cool Cores Detected in Halpha" (co-I; 132 ks).

2018      Chandra: "AGN Feedback and Turbulent Re-Acceleration in RBS 797" (co-I; 1.15 Ms).

2018      Chandra: "Probing Massive Winds in the X-ray Brightest QSO at z > 3" (co-I; 130 ks).

2018      Gemini: "Monitoring the Changing-Look AGN Mrk 1018" (co-I; A; 19.3 hrs).

2018      NIKA-2: "A Comprehensive Study of Shocks and ICM physics in A2146" (co-I; A; 32 hrs).

2018      Chandra CSM: "First Detection of Inverse Compton from a Galaxy Cluster" (co-I; 360 ks).

2018      MUSTANG-2: "Precision Imaging of the Shocks in A2146 Using the SZE" (co-I; 16 hrs).

2017      XMM LP: "Witnessing the Culmination of Structure Formation" (co-I; A; 6.0 Ms).
2017      XMM LP: "Shedding Light on Multiphase Massive Outflows in QSOs" (co-I; 2.6 Ms).
2017      XMM: "Completion of the XMM Cluster Outskirts Project (X-COP)" (co-I; A; 150 ks).

2017      XMM: "The iron problem in NGC 5044" (co-I; 124 ks).
2017      XMM: "Red Nuggets: Studying the X-ray Halo of a Massive Relic Galaxy" (co-I; 85 ks).

2017      XMM: "AGN Feedback Imprints in Two Remarkable Galaxy Groups" (co-I; 259 ks).
2017      NuSTAR-XMM: "Exploring the BH Wind Variability in a Late Merger" (co-I; 240 ks).
2017      NIKA-2: "A Comprehensive Study of Shocks and ICM physics in A2146" (co-I; 68 hrs).

2017      MUSTANG-2: "A Comprehensive Study of Shocks in A2146" (co-I; 32.5 hrs).
2017      MUSTANG-2: "Measurement the SZ Power Spectrum (cont.)" (co-I; A; 58.5 hrs).
2017      SOFIA: "The AGN Feedback Cycle in Massive Galaxies" (co-I; 10.5 hrs).
2017      HST: "First High-Resolution Image of Coronal Gas in a SB CC Cluster" (co-I; A; 15 orb.).

2017      HST: "Spectacular Optical Filaments in the X-Ray Brightest CC Group" (co-I; A; 5 orb.).

2017      ALMA: "Constraining the Cold Accretion onto the Most Massive BHs" (co-I; A; 38.2 hrs).

2017      ALMA: "Exploring the Properties of a Single Gas Cloud in HydraA" (co-I; 12.6 hrs).
2017      ALMA: "AGN Feedback and Molecular Gas in the Cool Core Cluster A2204" (co-I; 3.5 hrs).

2017      ALMA: "CO and AGN Feedback in Low-Mass Galaxy Clusters" (co-I; 9.1 hrs).
2017      ALMA: "Observation of CO(6-5) line: CO clouds and Hot Gas in Groups" (co-I; 6.2 hrs).

2017      Chandra: "Group-Size Accretion Beyond the Viral Radius onto A2029" (co-I; A; 130 ks).

2017      Chandra: "Probing Massive Winds in the X-ray Brightest QSO at z > 3" (co-I; 100 ks).

2017      Chandra: "Unveiling the Hot Halo of Local BCGs with Deep Chandra Data" (co-I; 290 ks).

2017      Chandra: "First Spatially Resolved Inverse Compton Detection in El Gordo" (co-I; 750 ks).

2017      Chandra: "The Rare Massive Merging Cluster SPT-CLJ2031-4037" (co-I; 30 ks).
2017      Chandra: "AGN Feedback and Turbulent Re-Acceleration in RBS 797" (co-I; 690 ks).
2017      MUSTANG-2: "SZ Power Spectral Fluctuations in 2 Deep Clusters" (co-I; A; 112 hrs).

2016      IRAM: "Observe CO in Two X-ray Bright Galaxy Groups" (co-I; 27.5 hrs).
2016      XMM: "A Pathfinder Study of Outflows in the X-ray Brightest QSOs at z∼2" (co-I; 444 ks).

2016      XMM: "Towards a Characterization of the Hot Phase of the WHIM" (co-I; 945 ks).
2016      XMM: "The riddle of iron in NGC 5044" (co-I; 124 ks).
2016      ALMA: "CO and AGN Feedback in 3 Massive Galaxies" (co-I; A; 9.3 hrs).
2016      ALMA: "AGN Feedback and Molecular Gas in Cool Core Clusters" (co-I; 9.3 hrs).
2016      SOFIA: "The AGN Feedback Cycle in Massive Galaxies" (co-I; A; 6.0 hrs).
2016      Chandra: "Ram-P Stripped Galaxy Group in the Outskirts of HydraA" (co-I; A; 200 ks).

2016      Chandra: "Massive Winds in the X-ray Brightest QSOs" (co-I; 100 ks).
2016      Chandra: "Probing AGN Feedback in the Radio Mini-Halo Cluster RBS 797" (co-I; 600 ks).

2016      Chandra: "Deep Study of the Peculiar Major Merger Cluster SPT-CLJ2031" (co-I; 60 ks).

2016      Chandra: "Cooling and Multiphase Medium in Nearby Cool Cores" (co-I; A; archival study).

2015      ALMA: "CO and AGN Feedback in Massive Galaxies" (co-I; A; 5.5 hrs).
2015      ALMA: "AGN Feedback and Molecular Gas in A2204" (co-I; 4.9 hrs).
2015      SOFIA: "Cold Gas and AGN Feedback in Massive Elliptical Galaxies" (co-I; 5.85 hrs).
2015      Chandra: "A Textbook Example of Ram-Pressure Stripping in Hydra A" (co-I; 200 ks).

2015      Chandra: "Probing Massive Winds in the X-ray brightest QSO at z > 3" (co-I; 100 ks).

2015      IRAM: "Molecular Gas in Massive Elliptical Galaxies" (A; 19.6 hrs).
2014      Chandra: "Ram-Pressure Stripping and ICM Physics in A2142" (co-I; A; 200 ks).
2014      Chandra: "Probing Massive Winds in Non-Lensed High-z QSOs" (co-I; 100 ks).
2013      XMM: "Volume-Limited Sample of Massive Isolated Galaxies" (co-I; 110 ks).
2013      ALMA: "Molecular Gas Within the Bondi Radius of NGC 3115" (co-I; 1.6 hrs).

2013      ALMA: "The Paradigm of Cold AGN Outflows in NGC 5846" (co-I; 5.0 hrs).

2013      ALMA: "Cold AGN Outflows in ETGs: the Case of NCG 4636" (co-I; 3.7 hrs).

2013      Chandra: "Probing AGN Feedback in the Distant Cluster RBS 797" (co-I; 350 ks).

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